We all know how tariffing and devastating a fire can be! It destroys lives and businesses. Many businesses find that they are not able to recover from the effects of a fire!
What can you do for taking the reasonable steps to reduce the likelihood of Fire & make sure that people can safely escape if there is a fire?
Bellow steps will help you get well understand how to practice Fire Safety to your premises
Step 1 - Identify the Responsible Person for Fire Safety.
If you are an employer or a person having control over premises you are responsible for the safety of everyone who might be on your premises, including employees, visitors or members of the public in the immediate vicinity of your premises how may be affected fire.
In any building where there is more than one Responsible Person, they must work together to co-operate; co-ordinate and share information with others as far as is necessary to comply with regulations.
Step 2 – Find out what are the duties of Responsible Person Fire Safety.
Responsible Persons must to their best to make sure that everyone at the premises or nearby, can escape safely if there is a fire, paying particularly attention to the people who may have a disability or anyone who may need special help.
Find out more for Responsible Person’s duties to video bellow and informative document released by FIA