The AlarmCalm Button is an optional part of AlarmCalm. It’s a fully intelligent loop device that allows building occupants to acknowledge a fire alarm signal if they believe a smoke detector has signalled an alarm unnecessarily e.g. because of cooking smoke or water vapour from a shower.
Pressing the button activates a pre-programmed, second-stage timer. This extends the verification period set in the building area, allowing any transient signal to clear.
Failsafes are built in:
- you can only press the button once per event
- the delay period is programmable
- you set the number of devices in simultaneous operation before an automatic fire condition is latched.
AlarmCalm buttons are loop powered and can be placed at any required address on the loop. This makes it quick and easy to program false alarm management at commissioning. They are neat, attractive and compatible with a UK single-gang back box – for trouble-free installation.
AlarmCalm button features
- Easy to install and configure
- Simple push-button operation
- Customisable slide-in label
- Silence unnecessary verification outputs (sounders, strobes, modules)
- Clear operation status via LED – pulse or constant
- Programmable AlarmCalm button buzzer on activation
- Programmable sounder ring styles for each event/time period
- Day/night/day of week operation by time clocks
- Verification by second device or mode change
- Programmable maximum number of AlarmCalm buttons in operation before full fire condition signalled
- All time periods user defined
- Wiring terminations suitable for all Advanced recommended loop cables.